Asas de frango picantes
As famosas chicken wings, marinadas e assadas no forno.
Estas são mesmo para comer à mão!

Todos adoram estas asinhas picantes e nunca sobra nenhuma... Para uma entrada de um almoço em família ou para uma refeição ligeira, são espetaculares.
Asas de frango picantes
Estas quantidades dão para 4 pessoas, como aperitivo.
500 gr de asinhas de frango
2 colheres de sopa de óleo
1 colher de chá de sumo de limão
1 colher de sopa de paprika
1 colher de chá de cominhos moídos
1/2 colher de chá de manjerona (ou orégãos)
1/2 colher de chá de piripiri em pó (ou a gosto)
Sal e pimenta
2 iogurtes naturais (sem açúcar)
Salsa picada
1 colher de chá de vinagre de arroz
Como fazer:
Parta as asinhas ao meio, ficando com a parte mais carnuda separada das duas mais fininhas da ponta. Ponha as asinhas numa taça grande e tempere com sal e pimenta.
Para a marinada, juntar o óleo, sumo de limão, paprika, cominhos, manjerona e piripiri. Envolver as asinhas nesta mistura. e deixar marinar, pelo menos durante 1 hora num recipiente hermético à temperatura ambiente.
Entretanto, aquecer o forno a 200ºC e forrar um tabuleiro com papel de alumínio.
Dispor as asinhas de frango no tabuleiro e levar ao forno por 40-45 minutos, até ficarem bem assadas e tostadinhas.
Para o molho, juntar o iogurte com a salsa e o vinagre. Provar e temperar.
Servir as asinhas com o molho.
Gostou? Por favor, comente.
Searing the Beef
Sear beef fillets on high heat for 2 minutes per side to form a golden crust. Let it cool before proceeding to keep the beef tender.
Searing the Beef
Sear beef fillets on high heat for 2 minutes per side to form a golden crust. Let it cool before proceeding to keep the beef tender.
Searing the Beef
Sear beef fillets on high heat for 2 minutes per side to form a golden crust. Let it cool before proceeding to keep the beef tender.
Searing the Beef
Sear beef fillets on high heat for 2 minutes per side to form a golden crust. Let it cool before proceeding to keep the beef tender.

Season the good fresh beef fillets with salt and black pepper. Heat olive oil in a pan over high heat and sear the fillets for 2 minutes per side until it fully browned. Remove the beef from the pan and brush with a thin layer of mustard. Let it cool.

Season the good fresh beef fillets with salt and black pepper. Heat olive oil in a pan over high heat and sear the fillets for 2 minutes per side until it fully browned. Remove the beef from the pan and brush with a thin layer of mustard. Let it cool.

Season the good fresh beef fillets with salt and black pepper. Heat olive oil in a pan over high heat and sear the fillets for 2 minutes per side until it fully browned. Remove the beef from the pan and brush with a thin layer of mustard. Let it cool.

Season the good fresh beef fillets with salt and black pepper. Heat olive oil in a pan over high heat and sear the fillets for 2 minutes per side until it fully browned. Remove the beef from the pan and brush with a thin layer of mustard. Let it cool.
Quality Fresh 2 beef fillets ( approximately 14 ounces each )
Quality Fresh 2 beef fillets ( approximately 14 ounces each )
Quality Fresh 2 beef fillets ( approximately 14 ounces each )
Beef Wellington

Fusion Wizard - Rooftop Eatery in Tokyo
Author Name

Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington is a luxurious dish featuring tender beef fillet coated with a flavorful mushroom duxelles and wrapped in a golden, flaky puff pastry. Perfect for special occasions, this recipe combines rich flavors and impressive presentation, making it the ultimate centerpiece for any celebration.
4 Servings
813 calories / Serve
Prep Time:
30 mins
Prep Time:
30 mins
Prep Time:
30 mins
Prep Time:
30 mins
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