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Passata - molho de tomate rápido

Este molho de tomate é espetacular para lasanhas, pratos de massa ou pizza. Aromático e muito fácil de fazer.

Para ter sempre no frigorífico ou na arca congeladora.

Este molho de tomate é espetacular para lasanhas, pratos de massa ou  pizza. Aromático e muito fácil de fazer.
Passata molho de tomate rápido



  • Azeite

  • 2 dentes de alho laminados

  • 1 raminho de manjericão (os pés separados das folhas); em alternativa, pode usar 1 colher de sopa de orégãos secos.

  • 1 lata grande (aprox. 900 gr) de tomate em pedaços ou triturado

  • 1/2 lata (aprox. 450 gr) de água

  • 1 colher de chá de açúcar

  • Sal e pimenta

Como fazer:

Aquecer um fio de azeite num tacho largo e juntar o alho laminado, os pés de manjericão picados ou os orégãos. Logo de seguida, deitar o tomate em lata, a água fria, o açúcar e temperar com sal e pimenta. Deixar levantar fervura, baixar o lume e deixar cozer, destapado, mexendo de vez em quando. O molho deve ficar espesso e ao cozer destapado vai reduzir. Este processo demora cerca de 10-15 minutos. Quando estiver pronto, polvilhar com as folhas de manjericão cortadas em tirinhas. A sua passata está pronta!


Experimente1 Depois, por favor, diga como ficou.


Searing the Beef

Sear beef fillets on high heat for 2 minutes per side to form a golden crust. Let it cool before proceeding to keep the beef tender.


Searing the Beef

Sear beef fillets on high heat for 2 minutes per side to form a golden crust. Let it cool before proceeding to keep the beef tender.


Searing the Beef

Sear beef fillets on high heat for 2 minutes per side to form a golden crust. Let it cool before proceeding to keep the beef tender.


Searing the Beef

Sear beef fillets on high heat for 2 minutes per side to form a golden crust. Let it cool before proceeding to keep the beef tender.



Season the good fresh beef fillets with salt and black pepper. Heat olive oil in a pan over high heat and sear the fillets for 2 minutes per side until it fully browned. Remove the beef from the pan and brush with a thin layer of mustard. Let it cool.



Season the good fresh beef fillets with salt and black pepper. Heat olive oil in a pan over high heat and sear the fillets for 2 minutes per side until it fully browned. Remove the beef from the pan and brush with a thin layer of mustard. Let it cool.



Season the good fresh beef fillets with salt and black pepper. Heat olive oil in a pan over high heat and sear the fillets for 2 minutes per side until it fully browned. Remove the beef from the pan and brush with a thin layer of mustard. Let it cool.



Season the good fresh beef fillets with salt and black pepper. Heat olive oil in a pan over high heat and sear the fillets for 2 minutes per side until it fully browned. Remove the beef from the pan and brush with a thin layer of mustard. Let it cool.


Quality Fresh 2 beef fillets ( approximately 14 ounces each )

Quality Fresh 2 beef fillets ( approximately 14 ounces each )

Quality Fresh 2 beef fillets ( approximately 14 ounces each )

Beef Wellington
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Fusion Wizard - Rooftop Eatery in Tokyo

Author Name
women chef with white background (3) (1).jpg
Beef Wellington

Beef Wellington is a luxurious dish featuring tender beef fillet coated with a flavorful mushroom duxelles and wrapped in a golden, flaky puff pastry. Perfect for special occasions, this recipe combines rich flavors and impressive presentation, making it the ultimate centerpiece for any celebration.

4 Servings

813 calories / Serve

Prep Time:

30 mins

Prep Time:

30 mins

Prep Time:

30 mins

Prep Time:

30 mins

classificação média é 3 de 5

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